Directorate of Infrastructures and Networks
         Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus"

Business Continuity as a Service (ORBIT)

Title: Business Continuity as a Service (ORBIT)

Funding: Seventh Framework Programme

Start date: October 2013

End date:  March 201

Web site:


Failures of critical systems result in disconnected services and can quickly cost millions. What would be approaches to reduce this risk? The goal of the ORBIT project is to develop innovative solutions to minimize the effects of unavailable servers.The EU-funded ORBIT project attempts to address this gap by introducing a new paradigm of virtualized resource consolidation in which memory and I/O resources used by a guest Virtual Machine (VM) are provided by multiple external hosts instead of limited to a single physical server.By combining the features of this novel virtualized resource consolidation paradigm with existing VM Fault Tolerance (FT) active-passive state synchronization solutions, ORBIT is able to provide unprecedented robustness capabilities. ORBIT is thus able to address a wide range of scenarios from single-host FT up to entire-site Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) based Disaster Recovery. Moreover, ORBIT’s novel architecture aims to be a perfect match for cloud-wide deployments thus complementing existing solutions available for SMEs, larger companies and service providers. ORBIT aims to provide a novel application agnostic fault-tolerance solution for cloud infrastructures that make it possible for the first time to migrate critical enterprise workloads to the cloud without compromising on the availability and performance of the system. ORBIT eliminates the complexity of deploying and managing fault-tolerance solutions at the application level and completely eliminates the effort cloud customers previously invested to deal with unreliable cloud platforms. By enabling cloud platforms with such fault tolerance capability the ORBIT technology could accelerate the development and deploymentof cloud computing and Internet services.