Directorate of Infrastructures and Networks
         Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus"

Networked European School Web Radio (NEStOR)

Title: Networked European School Web Radio (NEStOR)

Funding: Erasmus+

Start date: October 2016

End date:  September 2018

Web site:


The NEStOR project will highlight the European dimension of the existing “European School Radio” (, which is operating in Greece during the last six years with great success. The aim of the program is to create a flexible, multilingual, modern and attractive medium - a Web Radio - through which transnational educational cooperation across Europe will be facilitated. In order to support this, important studies will be carried out on the European educational policy dimension, the pedagogics and also the need to foster media literacy to schools. It will provide a Web Radio, safe and user friendly even for students with special educational needs; it will be enriched with interdisciplinary teaching materials for school education at a European level. The project will provide the educational community with the necessary tools for the cultivation of communication skills, the participation of every European learner to a public radio program and the mean for the exchange and dissemination of cultural elements through the Student Radio.

At the same time, the practicality of the Student Radio service will be combined with its use as a complete pedagogical tool in the hands of the educational community, to facilitate the integration of digital media in the modern educational process. Primary and secondary schools’ teachers who will participate in the project will be trained in the field of media literacy. Particularly in the Student Radio they will be invited to form joint training scenarios across a wide variety of disciplines, to achieve the realization of these practices in the school environment and then to evaluate the process along with members of the educational community and partner-institution of education. The Student Web Radio addresses students and teachers without any discrimination, with emphasis on the promotion of creativity and innovation and the relationship between the media and education, creating prospects for their educational and professional future.