Directorate of Infrastructures and Networks
         Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus"

Oikonomakos Michalis


Master in computer engineering and informatics from University of Patras


Diploma in computer engineering and informatics from University of Patras

Tel: 2610 960440 
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Michalis K. Oikonomakos received his Diploma and Master in computer engineering and informatics from University of Patras in 2004 and 2006. He has extensive experience in designing and developing network architectures and new network services, using pioneering and emerging technologies. During the past years, he has successfully participated in several national and European funded projects in the area of computer networks and services, as long as next generation networks. He has an early involvement in IPv6 and its applications, making GSN, one of the first educational networks that have native IPv6 connectivity with the Internet. Mr. Oikonomakos has also a teaching record in Greek Universities and Technological Institutes, teaching courses related to computer networks. He is member of Technical Chamber of Greece and a founding member of Greek Network Operators Group (GRNOG)