Directorate of Infrastructures and Networks
         Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus"

Governments ENabled with IPv6 (GEN6)

Title: Governments ENabled with IPv6 (GEN6)

Funding: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme

Start date: January 2012

End date:  June 201

Web site:


GEN6 shares the view that a democratic European society, with a strong and productive economy, requires service-oriented, secure, reliable and innovative government, at all levels independently of size and location used by all groups of citizens (elder, handicapped, youngsters, immigrants). Successful implementation of eGovernment can improve services, strengthen our societies, increase productivity and welfare, and reinforce democracy. This success will only be achieved by pursuing a long term vision, with clear and sustainable objectives, with constancy and persistence, and with participation of all stakeholders: government, citizens and industry. GEN6 will contribute to these objectives in the area of communication and how to transition to IPv6 in the government area.